Thinking of others first…sometimes it’s not what you think!


IF we were going to take a poll and ask 100 people how we live out the above verse, I am sure many would quickly say serving others…allowing others to go in front of you at the “line” of life.

Isn’t that what Jesus did?

Absolutely Jesus was the ultimate “last” while he was on this planet. He placed others in front of Him.
– When He was tired and was headed to a remote place to rest…a few thousand people showed up and he fed them.
– He washed the very feet of his disciples.
– He took our sins.

But he also placed others well being in front of being liked.

For example when he told Peter, “…get behind me Satan…” this wasn’t a soft rebuke. Peter was so concerned about his own well being, there was no way he was going to let his Jesus die, although it was God’s will.

So often we make the walk with Christ something of weaklings…placing others needs in front of your own… But I would have to argue that so often we miss this verse when we see a person going down the wrong path and we sit idly by without saying anything.

Place your comfort, second to others’ well being.

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