“She always does that.”

After devotionals last night, I went down stairs to get something from one of the boys and I saw Miselene mopping the floor. This surprised me greatly, because it is the guys’ responsibility at the House of Moses to mop the bottom floor and the girls mop the second floor.

When I saw her doing this, I said “Miselene, what are you doing?” Unknowingly KenKen was following behind me and he said, “Oh dad she always does that.”

My heart was bursting with joy!!!

1. We have the following verse on one of our walls at HoM:
“The greatest among you will be your servant.” Matthew 23:11
They are truly living this verse out.

2. The great examples that are being set by the students serving one another…so so very important attribute of a leader!

3. It is not going unnoticed by the students at HoM.

One proud dad!

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